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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Hate Summer

Boo. Hiss. I don’t care, it’s the truth.
Well, maybe I wouldn’t hate it if I lived anywhere other than the boonies in North Texas. Let me also add that I hated summer before this record breaking heat wave.

Why I Hate Summer……………

Reason 1
This one is my Dad’s fault. When I was around 9 he took my brother and I to play putt putt golf. It was summer. It was hot. I was thirsty. I really only remember two things and being thirsty is one of them, the other we’ll get to in a bit. I kept telling him I needed a drink. Then I passed out. I also remember waking up in the shop part of the place, (before fancy putt putt places there was only the shop part where you could pay and grab a gas station type snack). The cashier was apparently a lot more concerned about it than my Dad was because he suggested taking me to the hospital. My Dad took me home and gave me Gatorade. I don’t think he ever told my Mom about it and I know I never thought to mention it to her. I would remember her bringing it up at some point in my adult life. Irony is that my Dad is super concerned about his Grandchildren in the heat. He’s always asking how much they’ve had to drink and bringing the youngest in for water breaks. This was the beginning of my dislike of hot weather.

Reason 2
I tend to pass out in the heat, see reason 1. Now I never liked being outside when it was hot after the putt putt incident. But I never passed out again. Until I was grown and had my son. We went to a Rangers baseball game for my birthday after he was born. I, here it comes, passed out! I decided that I was dehydrated. After all it was June, it was hot and I was a nursing Mom. I felt great after coming too though.

Reason 3
It makes me anxious. Fast forward several years and I now have a lovely anxiety disorder. So, the thought of passing out in the heat would trigger a panic attack. We decide to go to Mayfest when my son was 5. I almost pass out…see, I’m getting better. I was super stupid and hadn’t eaten that morning, nor had I sufficiently hydrated. It was unbearably humid and really hot. I was fine for a short time and then they had to go get the silly golf cart and drive me to the sick people tent. We decided to go home after I recovered. I think that was part dehydration and part anxiety.

I decide one more time to try hot and outside in the summer. I drank a ton of water the whole week leading up to it. I ate well that day and had two Gatorades before we left. I took a Xanax for good measure. I didn’t make it for very long before we headed home. I didn’t pass out. I didn’t have a panic attack. I just felt DONE. When it’s so hot and so humid combined with no wind and crowds of people I just feel like I can’t breathe. I hate being sticky and sweaty and closed in. I just feel drained. The only place I can tolerate that kind of weather is next to the pool or by the beach.

To cope I hibernate. Mid to late June is usually the time I start to stay inside during the day. I loose my Springtime tan. I worship my AC. My family knows I am not going to go anywhere outside until the weather cools down. At all. Don’t ask. Usually I can sit outside with El or water the garden after dinner but this summer is different. We will break a record for most consecutive days at or over 100 on Saturday. Three more days until we break it and the forecast for the next week is 102 or higher. I am so ready to open windows. Sleep with my down comforter. Wear jeans. To go outside!

That is why I hate summer.

Other things that have gone on since my last entry (in no particular order):

Stefie came to town! Our girls at Liberty’s house:


We went to Austin for my nephew’s first birthday party, he is so cute!

I registered for college but whether I will get to take a class this Fall is up in the air as the school is taking its own sweet time updating my records…..grr

Christopher, as a freshman, made the Varsity Tennis Team at his High School! Yes, we are very proud!

My Dad turned 61!

I registered Emma-Lynn for PreK, oh my goodness!

This page is featured here. You can buy Ocean Wide Design’s kit Eternal here:


I am addicted to Pintrest. Follow me!

My garden died-thank you drought and heat.

That’s about it! Busy summer for us and I can’t wait until it’s over.

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record...I don't do summer either :) I'm a cool weather, wearin the jeans sort of girl! Bring on the cold :)
